Seriously?  Now I only try to do one blog post a day, but this is outrageous!  I think I would be ready to smash their windows if I saw this!  For anyone who says race relations are getting better in this country needs to take a look at this.  Chances are, the person who made this bumper sticker probably made hundreds more, and even greater than that – there are more people that are putting this on their car.

So here is my request of everyone reading this.  When you see this type of outright racism – call them out!  Yell at them! Be angry!  As the post where I got this from on another blog says – this is again the sad state of affairs that our country has come to.  Even if you don’t agree with Obama’s politics – this is clearly an outright attack on his skin color and not his skill as a president.  I think Im going to keep an extra egg in the car this week to throw it at the car (or the person) that I see with this sticker on their car.

Make sure you share this with you friends and get the word out!